Test Call Generator

Testing as a Service (TAAS) – AI Powered Test Call Generation tool

SparTest is a comprehensive testing framework that provides CSP’s to identify traffic leakage areas, identify fraudulent scenarios like SMS & Voice bypass, and detect spamming and spoofing vulnerabilities with comprehensive set of analytics and reporting.
Key Features
TCG Testing Process – Wide range of testing scenarios and continuous testing process provides full coverage to calls terminating to foreign networks or terminating from foreign networks thereby minimising the losses. The solution is further complemented with real time Fraud Database and call control
Detect illegal routes and leakage with an easy, fast enhanced AI powered TCG platform in a most cost effective way. The Spar TCG integrates with FMS platform using API’s and allows to test the Roaming quality to ensure optimal network performance.
Easy, Fast and Cost Effective
Maximize Revenue with continuous Testing to identify grey routes, fraudulent activities and Roaming testing
Penetration Testing: Continuous testing with different SIM cards, handsets and countries
AI Powered Algorithms: Leverage Machine learning and Data analytics to identify the patterns and detect the fraudulent scenarios proactively.
Optimise your Roaming Quality and Anti-Fraud strategy with data driven recommendations. For more details, contact info@spartified.com
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