SMS Firewall

SMS Firewall & Monetization

Spartified SMS Firewall enable operators to proactively monitor and filter fraudulent messages from coming in to their network. Furthermore, the solution helps to improve messaging monetization by identifying and blocking grey routes, reducing spam or malicious content and reducing fraudulent traffic. Spartified’s SMS Firewall Solution can help Mobile Operators to manage their messaging ecosystem and provide Cost Efficiency, Optimized Network Infrastructure whilst assuring Revenue.
Key Advertising Channels
Key Features
  • Message Type Based Categorization
  • Customer Profile Based Categorization
  • Control SMS Quota Based on Categorization
  • Manage Customer Category via Admin Interface
  • Retrieve Customer Category from 3rd Party Systems via API or File Upload
  • Intelligent Categorization Based on Content, Source Address and Operator
  • Define Global Rules for the Combination of SMS Category & Customer Category
Key Benefits
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